June 8, 2018
Initial Target
Storm Intercepts
Wall, SD
Rapid City, SD 12:08 PM 6/8/2018
Rapid City, SD 10:41 PM 6/8/2018
Interior, SD
0 mph
Wall Cloud, Cloud to ground lightning
Slight risk warm sector play over the Black Hills and Badlands. Targeted developing supercell over Badlands but were unable to intercept before it congealed and fell apart. Captured cloud to ground lightning shots at dusk.
Crew and Equipment
Chase partners: Jennifer Brindley Ubl, Phil Bates, Anton Seimon, Tracie Seimon, National Geographic film crew. Equipment: Sony AX100, Canon 60D, Samsung S7 Edge.
The Natioanl Geographic crew was done with their work by dusk, just as small pop up storms were firing overhead. Terrific cloud to ground bolts of branching lightning were prolifically shooting out of the small bases. It was a real safety hazard. We quickly said our good byes, Anton instructing us to stand on one foot to lessen the chance of current flowing all the way through the body in case we were struck. Then we jumped into our vehicles for shelter. I was able to put my tripod out through the window and snag a few lightning stills with the DSLR on a timer. The gorgeous dusk light, slightly elevated position, and quality of the lightning made for some of my best lightning shots ever.
We drove back into the Badlands, hoping we could continue shooting lightning from a safer distance, but the show was pretty much over by then.
Our last team chase for the season was pretty much a bust in terms of tornado and supercell play. The gorgeous South Dakota landscapes, skies, and amazing lightning shots we came away with made the chase for me, however.
Lessons Learned
- Shoot lightning from the car using a remote timer when the strikes are close.