June 20, 2019
Initial Target
Storm Intercepts
Pilger, NE
Mitchell, SD 9:50 AM 6/20/2019
Lincoln, NE 10:44 PM 6/20/2019
Turin, IA
0 mph
Wall Cloud, Rainbow
Summer pattern warm front play. Targeted northeast NE for southeast moving supercells, itnercepting developing cells near Sioux City. Initial cells died, but new activity organized into a supercell with rotating wall cloud followed by photogenic rainbow and stormscape as storm died.
Crew and Equipment
Chase partners: Jennifer Brindley Ubl. Equipment: Canon 60D with EFS 10-22.

"Day 1 Today: Looks like a classic bust near Yankton, SD. Height rises, top of the ridge, late season... I've done it a half dozen times and I'm doing it again today goddammit. Primary target is Sioux City, Iowa. Hopefully a storms goes up south of Yankton by mid afternoon in the wake of the morning MCS action. It should track southeast and hopefully toward the warm front and better directional shear across the Missouri River. Last night's runs had a couple of supercells tracking for hours through western Iowa. I've seen those storms on radar and always wanted to chase one. Just this totally discrete supercell with a nice hook, trucking all the way across Iowa and into the night. Sounds nice, but alas it's going to be puffy white cloud or a few failed turkey towers and some elevated showers. Still models show uncapped airmass with 2000+ CAPE in northeast Nebraska, 50 knots of bulk shear on the river, and pretty robust helicity across the river in Iowa. Could be a tornado if a storm can maintain itself in the environment that otherwise doesn't have a lot of lift.
Secondary targets: Play further south and hope the Omaha area initiates where the CAPE is higher. The capping starts to get progressively worse south of 80 so watch out for that.
Play a marginal/conditional target north of Sioux Falls. Narrow instability axis with modest instability, but uncapped and sheared. It might go like yesterday did up in South Dakota with pretty minisupercells that try but are a couple bucks short of a tornado.
Play southeast Montana. Decent moisture pool in the Wyoming basin up into Montana. CAMs have some long track supercells moving east by mid afternoon. Looks like structure in the bag. A tornado would be a nice bonus/srurprise.
Play the upslope further south: Earl's thermodynamic plots say no real significant tornado chances except a landspout or dust whirl. If you're going to play the conventional High Plains targets today, maybe because you're holding out for a big show on Friday... You might try Goshen Co. WY where the low level moisture looks a little bit better."
After a drive from South Dakota down to Pilger, NE, Brindley and I double backed for storms developing just north of Sioux City. Bases were hazy and raining, but there was some rising scud acitivity.

We tracked southeast with the storm. It was obvious that it was dying, but the storm took on new mesmerizing textures and colors as the evening sun lowered.

We had pretty low expectations for this chase, anticipating that we might cap bust. The rotating wall and photogenic stormscapes that we were able to capture more than made this chase for us.
Lessons Learned
- Watch dying cells for tightening rotation with photogenic structure shots.