June 7, 2022
Stationary front with shortwave across southern NE. Targeted Alma, NE for late afternoon early evening supercells with tornado potential. Pursued developing storms on surface trough into northwest KS, but cells fizzled before we arrived. Retargeted ongoing severe warned supercells coming out of NE Panhandle, but could not get ahead of elevated hailer before dark.
Crew and Equipment
Chase partners: Jennifer Brindley ubl, Anton Seimon, Tracie Seimon, Hank Schyma. Equipment: Samsung S9.
"Turtle thoughts: Target 1: Low payout safe bet: HRRR adamant of upslope supercell initiation off the Cheyenne, storm tracking southeast through the baroclinic zone from Sidney to McCook between 22-1z. Low level thermodynamics to me suggest a structure show with limited tornado chances due to initially high spreads followed by mounting inhibition.
Target 2: Safe storm payout, higher stakes tornado gamble. Moisture and upslope flow should kick off the Raton with supercells tracking toward Campo by evening. 30 degree spreads suggest storm needs to survive to sw KS for a decent shot at a condensed* supercell** tornado. That's questionable with anemic midlevel flow. 3Cape is paltry.
Target 3: Higher risk of bust, higher payout: North central Kansas to south central Nebraska. NAM and HRRR in agreement of surface trough with tongue of strong surface heating extending west to east across northern KS. Expect storm initiation off the nose of this by late afternoon or early evening. Spreads substantially lower here due to moisture convergence pooling against the stalled front in southern Nebraska. Higher CAPE airmass to the south is more favorable if storms can tap it. More subtle forcing and some inhibition makes this target conditional or questionable I think. HRRR does not sustain this cell.
Turtle was eyeing Wakeeney to Norton, KS for initiation, a stone's throw from Alma. We defaulted to a north play this morning and are now committed to it, so will rule out the Raton.
Given the goal of our research mission, Turtle concurs with Woodchuck and a Target 3 type play. We were just picking up on that signal when your email arrived. Conch holder will be necessary while we sit 120 miles east of the Sidney-McCook steamroller waiting for our turn.
Turtle westbound through southeast Nebraska"
We rolled the dice on a high stakes tornado target gamble and struck out. We missed a few dusty circulations without funnels from High Plains storms to the west, but nothing that made us feel sorry. The trouble with the Subaru was most concerning though, and this would mark the beginning of the end for that lemon of a car.
Lessons Learned